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My Problem With Completing Video Games

I’ve noticed as of late, that I’m abandoning most games before I complete them, but I’ve finally made a vow that I’m not going to start playing any other game, before I’ve completed the one I’ve already started playing through.
I wouldn’t say I spend a lot of money on games as it is, but it would definitely become an expensive hobby for me with so many awesome games due for release this year, my “to buy” list is growing extensively.

I can play games like Destiny for ages, it’s not a game you can really pass off as “complete”, as with quite a few of the games I’ve played over the years, but with the games I’ve already got on my shelf, it’s hard not to start swapping discs after a few hours of game-play. Sometimes I find myself getting bored of a game, but if I come off it completely and start something else, I usually lose all interest in going back and completing the rest of the campaign.

Looking at my PSN profile, I’ve played a total of 114 games, and I can guarantee that I’ve not completed more than 10 of them, in fact, I’d be surprised if I had completed more than 5. Quite shameful really, especially when I think back at how many hours I’ve invested in gaming best slots 2017 , but then again I blame every Call of Duty and Halo game for having such addicting online modes.

The online sales on the PlayStation store are no help either, it’s easy to get distracted when they rope you in with that Indie game you’ve always wanted to play at 50% off, or when your console tells you that you can’t store any more of the free monthly games due to the lack of hard drive space, so you need to play through and delete some.
I’m going to set myself an easily achievable goal, of completing one game per month. Does anyone else have the same problem I do?

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